* @module @svizzle/file/path
import path from 'node:path';
import * as _ from 'lamb';
* Return the extension of the provided file path
* [node environment]
* @function
* @arg {string} filepath
* @return {string} - the extension of the file path
* @example
> getPathExt('foo/bar.txt')
> getPathExt('foo/bar.todo.md')
* @since 0.11.0
export const getPathExt =
filepath => path.parse(filepath).ext.slice(1);
* Detect if a file name has one of the provided extensions.
* [node environment]
* @function
* @arg {array} extensions - An array of extensions
* @return {boolean}
* @example
> isJsonOrGeojson = hasAnyExtensionOf(['.json', '.geojson'])
> isJsonOrGeojson('file.json')
> isJsonOrGeojson('file.geojson')
> isJsonOrGeojson('file.csv')
* @since 0.4.0
export const hasAnyExtensionOf = extensions =>
fileName => extensions.includes(path.extname(fileName));
* Filter an array of file names to contain only those with extension .json or .geojson.
* [node environment]
* @function
* @arg {array} extensions - Array of file names
* @return {array}
* @example
> filterJsonExtensions(['file.json', 'file.geojson', 'file.csv'])
['file.json', 'file.geojson']
* @since 0.4.0
export const filterJsonExtensions =
_.filterWith(hasAnyExtensionOf(['.json', '.geojson']));
* Return a function that returns true if the input file name has the provided extension
* [node environment]
* @function
* @arg {string} extension
* @return {boolean}
* @example
> isJson = isFileWithExt('json')
> isJson('file.json')
> isJson('file.txt')
* @since 0.11.0
export const isFileWithExt = ext => _.pipe([getPathExt, _.is(ext)]);
* Return a function expecting a filepath and returning it renamed to the provided extension.
* Note that if the original provided filepath has multiple extensions only the last one gets changed.
* [node environment]
* @function
* @arg {string} extension - file extension, including the dot (`.txt`, `.csv`, etc)
* @return {function} - String -> String
* @example
> renameToJson = renameToExtension('.json')
> renameToJson('file.txt')
> renameToJson('file.min.js')
* @since 0.4.0
export const renameToExtension = ext => _.pipe([
_.skip(['base']), // [1]
obj => ({...obj, ext}),
// [1]
// 'pathObject.ext and pathObject.name are ignored if pathObject.base exists'
// https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_format_pathobject
// version not using node's path
const renameToExtension = ext => filepath => {
const split = filepath.split('.');
const oldExt = `.${split[split.length - 1]}`;
// const oldExt = `.${_.last(split)}`;
// not usable in dev utils to avoid depending on lamb for now
return filepath.replace(oldExt, ext);
* Return a function expecting a filename and returning it resolved to
* the provided directory path
* [node environment]
* @function
* @arg {string} dirPath - path of the dir to resolve to
* @return {function} - String -> String
* @example
> resolve = resolveToDir('/output/dir/');
> resolve('file1.txt')
> resolve('file2.txt')
* @since 0.10.0
export const resolveToDir =
dirPath => filename => path.resolve(dirPath, filename);
// no need to test the utils below
export const isCsvFile = isFileWithExt('csv');
export const isJsonFile = isFileWithExt('json');
export const isTsvFile = isFileWithExt('tsv');
export const isYamlFile = hasAnyExtensionOf(['.yaml', '.yml']);